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When sea level rise accelerates, inland migration may not be that easy

When sea level rise accelerates, inland migration may not be that easy

Asia’s glaciers will loose at least one third of their ice mass this century

Asia’s glaciers will loose at least one third of their ice mass this century

What if the past is the key to the future? We may start losing coastal deltas 50 years from now

What if the past is the key to the future? We may start losing coastal deltas 50 years from now

European heat waves like in the 1950s: what if climate hadn’t changed?

European heat waves like in the 1950s: what if climate hadn’t changed?

Wildfires in Portugal: is past trend of forest cover increase now ‘going up in smoke’?

Wildfires in Portugal: is past trend of forest cover increase now ‘going up in smoke’?

Deltas at the Greenland coast are growing due to a warmer climate

Deltas at the Greenland coast are growing due to a warmer climate

Warmer water due to climate change may lead to more algal blooms, or less

Warmer water due to climate change may lead to more algal blooms, or less

Ground settlement due to melting permafrost will affect a large part of the Northern Hemisphere

Ground settlement due to melting permafrost will affect a large part of the Northern Hemisphere

In 2013 Dutch scientists already saw Ophelia as a realistic scenario due to global warming

In 2013 Dutch scientists already saw Ophelia as a realistic scenario due to global warming

Deadliest wildfires in California ever: lessons to be learned from southern Europe

Deadliest wildfires in California ever: lessons to be learned from southern Europe

The smaller the Mediterranean islands, the more vulnerable their biodiversity for climate change

The smaller the Mediterranean islands, the more vulnerable their biodiversity for climate change

Climate change will be a spearhead for the new and ‘greenest Dutch government ever'

Climate change will be a spearhead for the new and ‘greenest Dutch government ever'

Mackerel migrating to the north: the first climate change related conflict in European politics?

Mackerel migrating to the north: the first climate change related conflict in European politics?

Landslides in a changing climate, a complicated story

Landslides in a changing climate, a complicated story

How to protect office-workers from future heat stress?

How to protect office-workers from future heat stress?

Changing climate shifts timing of European river floods

Changing climate shifts timing of European river floods

Heat waves and their effect on human mortality in Europe

Heat waves and their effect on human mortality in Europe

Historic palaces of Venice provide a clue for sea level rise since 1350

Historic palaces of Venice provide a clue for sea level rise since 1350

Just a few cm of sea-level rise may double the frequency of coastal flooding

Just a few cm of sea-level rise may double the frequency of coastal flooding

At least one-third of Asian glaciers will disappear

At least one-third of Asian glaciers will disappear

Plants start to flower much earlier in spring thanks to global warming

Plants start to flower much earlier in spring thanks to global warming

Global warming will increase cost of avoiding heat-related illness outdoor workers

Global warming will increase cost of avoiding heat-related illness outdoor workers

Current once-in-a-hundred-years flood levels along US coastline may occur every few years by 2050

Current once-in-a-hundred-years flood levels along US coastline may occur every few years by 2050

Drought risk increases substantially in large parts of the world, even if we do reach the goals of the Paris agreement

Drought risk increases substantially in large parts of the world, even if we do reach the goals of the Paris agreement

Far more heat wave days and far less cold spells in Spain and Portugal this century

Far more heat wave days and far less cold spells in Spain and Portugal this century