The ice regime of the rivers of European Russia changes, flood risk of ice dams too
Europe’s infrastructure more often damaged by heavy precipitation
50 times more weather-related deaths in 2100, unless we take action
Climate change and marine fisheries: European countries least vulnerable on a global scale
More precipitation in the North, less in the South, but what about Central Europe?
Maximum summer temperature in France could easily exceed 50 °C by 2100
What drives future changes in the world’s forest carbon?
No slowdown, no acceleration. Global warming trend has been steady since the 1970s
Coming to Johannesburg: weather stations for climate (change) adaptation and awareness!
Extreme sea levels on the rise along Europe’s coasts
‘Edinburgh will continue to be a climate resilient city’
Don’t pave your gardens. We need them to control urban flooding
Can we protect Scotland’s archaeological assets along its dynamic coast?
How to decide on adaptation when the future is highly uncertain?
Local adaptation to climate change varies across Europe, from north to south, and east to west
Climate adaptation in the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood: New champions for new challenges?
Cross-border impacts of climate change: a blind spot for the European Union
Planning for climate change in Italian cities: barriers, opportunities and future perspectives
The Dutch are drilling in the North Sea to reconstruct sea level rise
Abandoned farmlands lead to more forest fires in mainland Portugal
High-end sea level rise estimates when Antarctic ice shelves break up
Cities are vulnerable hotspots of climate change - Longread
Exposure of global metal mining industry to climate change
Climate change, water and security in the Middle East
Business supply chain networks are vulnerable for climate change in many ways
Is our cultural heritage threatened by climate change?
Species on the move: Impacts on ecosystems and human well-being
Seasonality high and low flows of the world’s largest rivers hardly shifts under climate change
Strong increase global river flood risk may trigger large-scale crises
Adaptation could turn climate change into an opportunity for European rice growers
Vulnerabilities of Europe’s economy to global water scarcity and drought
Whether high or low flows of large rivers increase or decrease varies from one region to another
Climate change impacts on dune erosion along the Dutch coast
Extreme weather impacts on critical infrastructure
It pays off to adapt road and rail transport to climate change. Austria as an example
Changing wildfire regimes in Mediterranean Europe: human activities versus climate change
In a warming world, what happens to wine?
Launched: coastal hazard assessment app
Shifting fruit growing conditions call for adaptation in southern Europe
Vulnerability European cities to extreme events is increasing
How high will the seas rise?
Stronger weather fronts over Europe induce more extreme weather
Amsterdam is hot, in many ways
More than carbon storage - The role of forests in climate change
The River Rhine is heating up in response to climate change
Less snow in the Alps will affect society in many ways
Protecting Poland against future coastal floods is not that expensive
Glacier retreat triggers landslide response