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Mitigating global warming can reduce strong increase record-breaking summer temperatures by 50%

Mitigating global warming can reduce strong increase record-breaking summer temperatures by 50%

Different ways to reach the Paris Agreement goals, different impacts for coastal management

Different ways to reach the Paris Agreement goals, different impacts for coastal management

Future heat waves, droughts and floods in 571 European cities

Future heat waves, droughts and floods in 571 European cities

Press release: The geography of future water challenges

Press release: The geography of future water challenges

More people exposed to heat waves: global warming versus population growth

More people exposed to heat waves: global warming versus population growth

Shift in boreal forest tree species urgently needed due to climate change

Shift in boreal forest tree species urgently needed due to climate change

Future affordability and coverage climate-risk insurance calls for more resilience

Future affordability and coverage climate-risk insurance calls for more resilience

Annual damage to Europe’s critical infrastructure may increase 10-fold this century

Annual damage to Europe’s critical infrastructure may increase 10-fold this century

In the near future twice as many heat waves over Central Europe

In the near future twice as many heat waves over Central Europe

Lower future river flood peaks in Northern and Southern Europe, for different reasons

Lower future river flood peaks in Northern and Southern Europe, for different reasons

The number of people dying from storm surge floods is decreasing

The number of people dying from storm surge floods is decreasing

The combination of hot and humid weather may threaten the lives of many people by 2080

The combination of hot and humid weather may threaten the lives of many people by 2080

Rate of sea level rise is accelerating, as predicted

Rate of sea level rise is accelerating, as predicted

Surprisingly, climate change may increase mushroom productivity in Mediterranean forests

Surprisingly, climate change may increase mushroom productivity in Mediterranean forests

Europe will use more energy for cooling than can be saved with heating

Europe will use more energy for cooling than can be saved with heating

More often, flights will be bumpy due to turbulence increase under climate 

More often, flights will be bumpy due to turbulence increase under climate 

Sea level rise and storm surges, a complicated relationship

Sea level rise and storm surges, a complicated relationship

No evidence so far of more major river floods due to climate change

No evidence so far of more major river floods due to climate change

Climate change is amplifying Europe’s contrast of drying south and wetting north

Climate change is amplifying Europe’s contrast of drying south and wetting north

A future on fire

A future on fire

Glacier retreat can be slowed down by artificially produced snow

Glacier retreat can be slowed down by artificially produced snow

Ambitious climate policies are needed to avoid fast sea level rise

Ambitious climate policies are needed to avoid fast sea level rise

Europe’s wine production will move north this century, but not to Scotland

Europe’s wine production will move north this century, but not to Scotland

Cultivated peat soils lead to land subsidence and emit greenhouse gases. How can we avoid this?

Cultivated peat soils lead to land subsidence and emit greenhouse gases. How can we avoid this?

Technology may counterbalance negative impacts of climate change on cereal yields in Western Europe

Technology may counterbalance negative impacts of climate change on cereal yields in Western Europe