Climate impacts on European agriculture are not necessarily negative
Green versus engineering: climate-proofing urban storm water networks calls for tailor-made solutions
Lower wind speed and waves along the Irish coast this century
A dollar of flood damage hits poor and vulnerable people hardest
Droughts are increasing in Central Europe, but precipitation stays the same
Future Mediterranean land ecosystem changes unmatched in last 10,000 years
Snow cover duration in Swiss Alps has shortened by 9 days per decade since 1970
Climate change impacts on biodiversity, an overview
Migratory birds under threat
First climate models were right: heavy rainfall events are increasing
Trucks, could they cease to be an environmental concern?
How to protect our cultural heritage from flooding? Experience in the Netherlands
Dangerous beauties. Risks and opportunities of new lakes formed by melting glaciers
Archaeological sites under climate change: what can be preserved, and how?
The Netherlands aims to reduce its CO2 emission to almost zero in 2050
We have made Europe’s warmest year of 2014 at least 500 times more likely
Storm surge levels increase along Northern Europe’s coastline
Hottest summers of the past will be the ‘new normal’ within 20 years
Free download: New book on Disaster Risk Management natural catastrophes in Europe
Warmer winters increase forest damage by snow loads in coldest parts of Europe
Cretan beaches (Greece) highly vulnerable to sea level rise
70% of Europe’s flood casualties are due to flash floods, and the number of flash floods increases
Future heat waves in the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East: hot spots of climate change
Flood peaks of Europe’s rivers will increase, unless driven by snowmelt
Arctic sea ice decline reduces sailing time from Europe to Asia by almost half
Farmers in Eastern Europe will suffer more from climate change than their colleagues in the West
More intense rainfall will trigger more landslides in Italy
More woods in the Netherlands to tackle global warming
Cyprus’ tourism industry will change, but will it suffer from climate change?
Wetlands are shrinking rapidly in Greece
More precipitation may increase pollution of inland and coastal waters
Little impact climate change on water-borne diseases
Improving Mexico City’s resilience to current water issues and climate change
Worldwide, heat stress is increasing
Adaptation for the sake of peace and security
Climate change and refugee flows
Hazards rarely create disasters, the context does
Relationship climate change and violence is not that simple!
Europe’s security risks under climate change
Why climate change degrades deep-water quality of alpine lakes
Malaria will not spread across Europe under climate change
More tick-borne diseases, but not necessarily due to climate change - Longread
Urban adaptation to climate change in Europe
How to anticipate climate change in large infrastructure projects - Examples from Swedish reservoirs
What do climate service users need and what can they get?
Norway’s aquaculture needs more focus on long-term climate change
Sand Motor: Mother Nature helps the Dutch to protect their coast
Collaboration with Norway empowers Cuban scientists to help climate proof their nation