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Farmers in Eastern Europe will suffer more from climate change than their colleagues in the West

Farmers in Eastern Europe will suffer more from climate change than their colleagues in the West

More intense rainfall will trigger more landslides in Italy

More intense rainfall will trigger more landslides in Italy

More woods in the Netherlands to tackle global warming

More woods in the Netherlands to tackle global warming

Cyprus’ tourism industry will change, but will it suffer from climate change?

Cyprus’ tourism industry will change, but will it suffer from climate change?

Wetlands are shrinking rapidly in Greece

Wetlands are shrinking rapidly in Greece

More precipitation may increase pollution of inland and coastal waters

More precipitation may increase pollution of inland and coastal waters

Little impact climate change on water-borne diseases

Little impact climate change on water-borne diseases

Improving Mexico City’s resilience to current water issues and climate change

Improving Mexico City’s resilience to current water issues and climate change

Worldwide, heat stress is increasing

Worldwide, heat stress is increasing

Adaptation for the sake of peace and security

Adaptation for the sake of peace and security

Climate change and refugee flows

Climate change and refugee flows

Hazards rarely create disasters, the context does

Hazards rarely create disasters, the context does

Relationship climate change and violence is not that simple!

Relationship climate change and violence is not that simple!

Europe’s security risks under climate change

Europe’s security risks under climate change

Why climate change degrades deep-water quality of alpine lakes

Why climate change degrades deep-water quality of alpine lakes

Malaria will not spread across Europe under climate change

Malaria will not spread across Europe under climate change

More tick-borne diseases, but not necessarily due to climate change - Longread

More tick-borne diseases, but not necessarily due to climate change - Longread

Urban adaptation to climate change in Europe

Urban adaptation to climate change in Europe

How to anticipate climate change in large infrastructure projects - Examples from Swedish reservoirs

How to anticipate climate change in large infrastructure projects - Examples from Swedish reservoirs

What do climate service users need and what can they get?

What do climate service users need and what can they get?

Norway’s aquaculture needs more focus on long-term climate change

Norway’s aquaculture needs more focus on long-term climate change

Sand Motor: Mother Nature helps the Dutch to protect their coast

Sand Motor: Mother Nature helps the Dutch to protect their coast

Collaboration with Norway empowers Cuban scientists to help climate proof their nation

Collaboration with Norway empowers Cuban scientists to help climate proof their nation

Lucky Norway. Hydropower and the benefits of climate change

Lucky Norway. Hydropower and the benefits of climate change

Climate change adaptation: the Nordic countries in a global perspective

Climate change adaptation: the Nordic countries in a global perspective