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Hotter summers versus warmer winters: health implications of global warming

Hotter summers versus warmer winters: health implications of global warming

57 tube stations at high risk of flooding, says London Underground report

57 tube stations at high risk of flooding, says London Underground report

Hours of heat stress will double for the Dutch between now and 2050

Hours of heat stress will double for the Dutch between now and 2050

It seems to rain harder in the Czech Republic, but is it due to climate change?

It seems to rain harder in the Czech Republic, but is it due to climate change?

Droughts increasingly affect main crop yields in the Republic of Moldova

Droughts increasingly affect main crop yields in the Republic of Moldova

More water stored on land slowed down sea level rise in last decade

More water stored on land slowed down sea level rise in last decade

What do we really know about our future flood risk?

What do we really know about our future flood risk?

Drought in eastern Mediterranean worst of past 900 years

Drought in eastern Mediterranean worst of past 900 years

Future flood losses in major coastal cities

Future flood losses in major coastal cities

Future floods and hydrological droughts in Europe under a +2°C global warming

Future floods and hydrological droughts in Europe under a +2°C global warming

Global warming will reduce global yields of maize and soybean

Global warming will reduce global yields of maize and soybean

Spring advancement in Europe due to global warming may amplify the effect of climate change

Spring advancement in Europe due to global warming may amplify the effect of climate change

How to turn flash floods into a resource

How to turn flash floods into a resource

Insurance for an uncertain climate

Insurance for an uncertain climate

The world’s poorest cities can’t cope with climate change

The world’s poorest cities can’t cope with climate change

Salt marshes will survive sea level rise

Salt marshes will survive sea level rise

The potential of green and blue infrastructure to reduce urban heat load in the city of Vienna

The potential of green and blue infrastructure to reduce urban heat load in the city of Vienna

Too hot future for high-quality wine in central and southern Spain

Too hot future for high-quality wine in central and southern Spain

Optimal zones for Portuguese grapevine varieties shift to the north

Optimal zones for Portuguese grapevine varieties shift to the north

Is this year’s warm start of the Alpine ski season a sign of things to come?

Is this year’s warm start of the Alpine ski season a sign of things to come?

Canada and the U.S. may be about to do something big on climate

Canada and the U.S. may be about to do something big on climate

Accelerated dryland expansion under climate change

Accelerated dryland expansion under climate change

Future changes of wind energy potential over Europe

Future changes of wind energy potential over Europe

Conservation of grassland biodiversity in Finland under a changing climate

Conservation of grassland biodiversity in Finland under a changing climate

How can irrigated agriculture adapt to climate change?

How can irrigated agriculture adapt to climate change?