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Human and climate impacts on the 21st century hydrological drought

Human and climate impacts on the 21st century hydrological drought

Rural tourism in the Nordic Region under climate change

Rural tourism in the Nordic Region under climate change

Climate change impact on river discharge in Eastern Romania

Climate change impact on river discharge in Eastern Romania

Accelerating extinction risk from climate change

Accelerating extinction risk from climate change

Projections of climate change impacts on floods and droughts in Germany

Projections of climate change impacts on floods and droughts in Germany

Climate change impacts on discharges of the Rhone River in Lyon

Climate change impacts on discharges of the Rhone River in Lyon

Climate potential for beach-based tourism in the Mediterranean in the 21st century

Climate potential for beach-based tourism in the Mediterranean in the 21st century

Climate change and foodborne transmission of parasites

Climate change and foodborne transmission of parasites

Climate anomalies and events March 2015

Climate anomalies and events March 2015

Projected changes in hailstorms during the 21st century over the UK

Projected changes in hailstorms during the 21st century over the UK

Extreme rainfall intensity and erosivity increases in the Mediterranean region

Extreme rainfall intensity and erosivity increases in the Mediterranean region

Dramatically increasing chance of extremely hot summers since the 2003 European heat wave

Dramatically increasing chance of extremely hot summers since the 2003 European heat wave

Little effect climate change on maize and winter wheat in Switzerland so far

Little effect climate change on maize and winter wheat in Switzerland so far

River flood damages under climate change in Germany

River flood damages under climate change in Germany

High-impact windstorms in Switzerland since 1859

High-impact windstorms in Switzerland since 1859

Changing geography of high-quality wine production in Europe

Changing geography of high-quality wine production in Europe

Selected significant climate anomalies and events February 2015

Selected significant climate anomalies and events February 2015

Climate change impacts on European wind energy

Climate change impacts on European wind energy

Global warming and 21st century drying

Global warming and 21st century drying

The end of scarcity? Water desalination as the new cornucopia for Mediterranean Spain

The end of scarcity? Water desalination as the new cornucopia for Mediterranean Spain

Evolution of heat wave occurrence over the Paris basin (France) in the 21st century

Evolution of heat wave occurrence over the Paris basin (France) in the 21st century

New high-resolution climate change projections for Europe

New high-resolution climate change projections for Europe

Sea-ice changes in the Gulf of Finland

Sea-ice changes in the Gulf of Finland

Streamflow timing of mountain rivers in Spain: Recent changes and future projections

Streamflow timing of mountain rivers in Spain: Recent changes and future projections

Effects of climate change in the northern Adriatic Sea

Effects of climate change in the northern Adriatic Sea