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Flash floods and urban flooding

Climate-induced hazards in Hungary

May 21, 2013

Climate-induced hazards in Hungary

In response to climate change, and according to regional climate model projections for the periods of 2021–2050 and 2071–2100 compared with 1961–1990 under the IPCC A1B climate scenario:

  • soil erosion hazard is expected to increase;
  • drought hazard is expected to  become a serious problem in mainly the south-eastern part of the country;
  • wind erosion sensitivity is expected to follow the drought sensitivity changes in the spatial distribution of Hungary (south-eastern part), also with an increasing sensitivity, mainly caused by the soil and vegetation cover characteristics;
  • flash flood hazard is expected to increase in the Transdanubian Hills and in the Northern Mountains;
  • mass movements will show patterns similar to flash floods, but will probably not increase.

The combination of these hazards will probably show the most pronounced increase In the north-west of Hungary; in this region the actual processes are very active.

Source: Mezösi et al., 2012. Regional Environmental Change. Published online 7 July 2012.

Photo: Soil Science NC State (

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Flash floods and urban flooding