Environmentalists cheered when Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, rode a wave of popularity to the position last fall, replacing the pro-tar sands, anti-carbon regulation Steven Harper. Now, Trudeau is preparing for his first state visit to Washington, D.C., where the Prime Minister and President Obama are set to discuss climate change and trade next week.
Expectations are already high.
The Canadian trade minister told Canada’s Globe and Mail this week that she expects significant progress on several key issues between the two countries. “The visit is still coming together but I am very hopeful there will be some real accomplishments on the environment and climate change,” Chrystia Freeland told the paper. “We are still 10 days away and negotiations are very intense right now and I am not going to get ahead of where negotiators are.”
The White House is undoubtedly looking forward to coming to terms with Canada on climate.
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Photo: Antony Pranata (www.flickr.com)