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Avalanches and Landslides


Romania is one of the European countries most affected by landslides (Balteanu et al. 2009). Favorable conditions for triggering landslides are spread over about 42 % of Romania’s territory. The regions of high slide frequency include the sedimentary formations rich in clay and marl which are strongly fragmented. In these zones, over 50 % of the slope surface are susceptible to landslides and mud flows. They mostly occur in the Moldavian and Transylvanian tablelands, in the Sub Carpathian as well as in the zone of the paleogene flish (1).

Collapses and rockfalls are encountered particularly in the Carpathians and sub-Carpathians where the slopes are structural by resistant rocks but with numerous cracks and fissures. Both collapses of individual blocks and mass falls occur on the steep slopes of mountains devoid of vegetation. Collapses are also encountered on river banks in the hill and on banks formed of loess or loess-like deposits from plain zones (1).


The references below are cited in full in a separate map 'References'. Please click here if you are looking for the full references for Romania.

  1. Muço et al. (2012)

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