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Opportunities Poland

Due to changed climatic conditions during 1971–2010 the transboundary area of western Poland, eastern Germany and the northern part of the Czech Republic is now suitable for the cultivation of wine grapes, even for varieties that are demanding in terms of accumulated heat (1).

The accumulated heat can be described as Sum of Active Temperatures (SAT): the sum of mean daily temperatures equal or higher than 10 °C from the period 1 April–31 October. Each grape variety has its own minimum average SAT value required during the vegetation period. Another parameter is Growing Degree Days (GDD): the heat energy received by the crop maturity over a given time period, used to predict the vine’s ability to mature as high-quality crop. In the transboundary area of Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic SAT and GDD values show statistically significant positive trends during 1971–2010. The observed climate change in the region reduces the risk for wine grapes cultivation and increases the area suitable for more demanding grape varieties (1).


The references below are cited in full in a separate map 'References'. Please click here if you are looking for the full references for the Czech Republic.

  1. Kryza et al. (2015)
  2. Maciejczak and Mikiciuk (2019), in: Patriche and Irimia (2022)

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