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North Macedonia



With over 1,000 churches and monasteries, and more than 4,200 archaeological sites, Macedonia has the potential to be at the very top of the list for cultural tourism in Europe (1).

Lake Dojran, which has suffered water loss during the last decade due to both anthropogenic and climate change factors, might be endangered. The most pessimistic scenario for dramatic climate change in terms of precipitation decrease and temperature increase is derived for the southeastern part of the country, where this lake is located. Increased duration of heat waves can have adverse affects on water quality, and can also be related to the higher risk of forest fires in tourist areas. This may also change the timing of holidays, i.e. to favour travel at the beginning and end of the seasons, rather than in the middle of summer (1).

Scenarios of climate change developed at the national level show an increase in the winter temperature, also accompanied with less snow coverage and later start of the skiing season. The mountain tourism, whose main attraction was skiing, would suffer due to shortening of the skiing season, unless artificial snow-making takes place (1).

Adaptation strategies

In order to respond to climate change, tourism will have to shift towards new attractions, such as skiing to hiking during the winter, but also horse riding, improvement of the spa tourism, linkages with the cultural and natural heritage during other seasons (1).


The references below are cited in full in a separate map 'References'. Please click here if you are looking for the full references for Macedonia.

  1. Republic of Macedonia, Ministry of Environment and Physical planning (2008)

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