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In The Netherlands, 97% of all wildfires between 1978 and 1993 was smaller than 10 ha. Annually, the period 2017–2022 saw 611 wildfires and 405 ha burned in The Netherlands; the total number of wildfires in this period is 3667. A conservative estimate of the annual costs of suppression and restoration in 2017–2022 is 2.7 M€. According to available data, there were 31 casualties in 10 fire events between 1833 and 2022; most of these casualties are reported for large peat fires in 1833, 1880 and 1917. In The Netherlands, most wildfires and area burned occurred not in forest but in open habitat such as heathland and grassland (1).


The references below are cited in full in a separate map 'References'. Please click here if you are looking for the full references for The Netherlands.

  1. Stoof et al. (2024)

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