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Biodiversity in numbers

Montenegro belongs to the group of European countries with the richest flora and fauna and highly diverse ecosystems. The country, for example, is considered as one of the most diverse floristic areas in the Balkan Peninsula, with about 3,250 plant species, whereas the vascular flora species-to-area ratio of 0.837 is the highest in Europe. From a total of 526 European bird species, 297 (or 57%) can be regularly found in Montenegro, while a number of other species (about 29) is occasionally present. The total share of protected areas in the national territory is 9.21% and it mainly refers to the five national parks (1).

Vulnerabilities Montenegro

Based on the analysis and assessment of impacts of climate change on biodiversity in Montenegro, the following impacts of climate change can be expected (1):

  • shifting of vegetation zones (belts) in the horizontal and vertical direction;
  • shifting and changes in geographic distribution of some plant and animal species;
  • disappearance of certain species;
  • changes in qualitative and quantitative composition of biocenoses;
  • fragmentation of habitats;
  • changes in the functioning of ecosystems.

Terrestrial biodiversity

A reduction and loss of species is expected, primarily related to freshwater ecosystems, as well as the species vulnerable to significant fluctuations in temperature and humidity in the environment (1).

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Adaptation strategies Montenegro

The following options for adaptation and mitigation have been reported (1):

  • Preparation of a National Action Plan on Climate Change, whereby, inter alia, measures for adaptation and mitigation of the effects of climate change on biological diversity should be recognized and established;
  • Strengthening of awareness about the importance and impact of climate change on biodiversity;
  • Elaboration biocorridors and migratory routes of various species under the conditions of climate change;
  • Establish a gene bank of endemic, threatened and endangered species;
  • Assessment of options for the protection of biodiversity (species) under ex situ conditions;
  • An increase of surface area under protection.


The references below are cited in full in a separate map 'References'. Please click here if you are looking for the full references for Montenegro.

  1. Ministry for Spatial Planning and Environment of the Republic of Montenegro (2010)
  2. Buskovic (2008), in: Ministry for Spatial Planning and Environment of the Republic of Montenegro (2010)
  3. Hydrometeorological Office, in: Ministry for Spatial Planning and Environment of the Republic of Montenegro (2010)

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