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There is a lot of cross-border information on storms in Northern, Western and Central Europe. This information is summarized on the page for Europe in the window 'Storms: European scale'. Additional information that specifically refers to individual countries is presented on the Storm pages of these countries.

Vulnerabilities Latvia

The storm Gudrun hit Scandinavia and the Baltic States on 7-9 January 2005. It was one of the worst storms in this region in the last 40 years. Detailed information on this storm is presented on the Estonia page.

Latvia suffered forest losses of over 7 mio m3, more than the normal annual harvest (1).

Gudrun exposed the lack of adaptation towards weather borne hazards that already today pose a threat to the countries bordering the Baltic Sea. Climate change is expected to enhance extreme weather events that are thus likely to occur at a shorter interval in the future (1).


The references below are cited in full in a separate map 'References'. Please click here if you are looking for the full references for Latvia.

  1. Haanpää et al. (2007)

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