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Vulnerabilities Hungary

The red wine grapes are likely to spread and dominate in the next few decades, replacing the white wine grapes (2). The western part of the country has become warmer and therefore more suitable for a wider range of – higher quality – grape varieties (3).

Climate change impacts may result in a northward extension of grape production geographic zones. The higher frequency of weather anomalies may have negative impacts as well. Frost, drought, rot damages and the reduction of the length of plant life, as well as deterioration in wine quality can be the main forms of harm (1).

Adaptation strategies Hungary

To counteract negative climatic effects there is a need to change the varietal structure in viticulture. Also, new technologies and management techniques are needed in the field of irrigation, plant protection, phytotechnical operations, and wine processing and storage (1).

Extreme weather events may cause tremendous damages to orchards and wine-yards of high economic value. To aid preventive action (such as: smoke-protection, frost-protection by spraying, use of materials to protect against sun-burn, hail and frost, etc.) standby stocking of the respective materials are needed. Stocking of pesticides is also needed to provide protection against the pests that show up after extreme weather events (1).


The references below are cited in full in a separate map 'References'. Please click here if you are looking for the full references for Hungary.

  1. Farago et al. (2010)
  2. Mesterházy et al. (2014), in: Patriche and Irimia (2022)
  3. Kovacs et al. (2017), in: Patriche and Irimia (2022)

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