
Winemaking in Southern Europe is under serious pressure

The geography of wine production is changing. Due to excessive drought and more frequent heatwaves, most traditional wine regions in Spain, Italy and Greece are at risk of disappearing by 2100.

Wine quality and global warming: When will winners become losers?

So far, substantial warming in two of the world’s top red wine regions has increased average wine quality, but a tipping point in the effect of climate change on wine quality may be nearby.

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Changing late spring frost impacts will reshape the distribution of grapevine varieties in Europe

Grapes are vulnerable for frost events at bud break. Frost risk will decrease in western regions and increase in central Europe. This will reshape the distribution of grapevine varieties in Europe.

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Europe’s wine production will move north this century, but not to Scotland

Wine grape production in Scotland under high-end climate change remains implausible on a commercial scale at the end of this century. It simply rains too much.

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In a warming world, what happens to wine?

By the year 2050 Europe’s wine map may look completely different from what we are used today.

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French and Swiss wine grape harvest dates 10 days earlier today than in previous 400 years

There is increasing evidence that warming trends have advanced wine grape harvest dates in recent decades. Across the globe, harvest dates advance approximately 6 days per degree of warming.

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Spanish premium-quality wine areas at risk under climate change

Premium-quality wine areas in Europe are at risk due to climate change.

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Too hot future for high-quality wine in central and southern Spain

For the second half this century an intense increase in accumulated heat in central and southern Spain is projected, which would negatively impact wine quality in these regions.

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Optimal zones for Portuguese grapevine varieties shift to the north

Climate change is expected to change the optimal zones for grape varieties. Grapes are expected to ripen earlier in warmer climates, but unbalanced ripening may lead to lower wine quality.

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Climate warming good news for wine grapes cultivation in Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic

The transboundary area of western Poland, eastern Germany and the northern part of the Czech Republic is now suitable for the cultivation of wine grapes

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Vineyard soil erosion under climate change in the Mediterranean

Does climate change affect the erosion of vineyard soils in the Mediterranean? Recent results for a Spanish study area show that year-to-year variability is too high

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Changing geography of high-quality wine production in Europe

European wine farms show considerable potential to improve their economic performance, and thereby ease their situation in a global change scenario.

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Recent climate trends impacts on grape harvest date

Viticulture is affected by climate change, mainly by a shift in the four basic grapevine developmental stages budbreak, flowering, véraison (beginning of maturation) and full ripeness (harvest).

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Trends in wine grape ripening in northeastern Slovenia

Estimation of the impact of climate change on the growth cycle of the grapevine has shown a significant impact on harvest timing and season duration.

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Wine and climate change in Roussillon, France

The main concern of wine producers is excessive summer water stress, leading to decreasing yields. It was estimated that yields in Languedoc-Roussillon could decrease by 26% by 2080.

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Climate change, wine, and conservation

Wine grape suitability is projected to decline in 2050 (mean of 2041–2060) compared with 1961–2000 in many traditional wine-producing regions ...

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Grape production and wine quality in north-western Spain

During the period 1958–2005 the thermal conditions for the development and maturation of grapes in north-western Spain have improved ...

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Projections for wine production in the Douro Valley

Wine production is projected to increase by about 10% by the end of the 21st century, while the occurrence of high production years is expected to increase from 25% to over 60% ...

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Change in climate and berry composition for grapevine varieties in the Loire Valley

Observed changes in berry composition were significantly influenced by the increases in temperature from 1960 to 2010 ...

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Changes in the composition of wine from Franconia, Germany

The observed warmer seasons during 1949 to 2010 have resulted in greater ripening potential for the wines of Lower Franconia ...

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Future wine production in the Portuguese Douro Valley

Wine production along the Douro Valley is projected to increase for 2071–2100 compared with 1961–1990 because of the combined effects of temperature and precipitation ...

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Viticulture in the Upper Moselle region

Previous studies predict a large potential increase in value of the vineyards at the Moselle river ...

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