
Unprecedented high thunderstorm losses in the USA and Europe: the natural disasters of 2023

Worldwide, natural disasters in 2023 resulted in losses of around € 232 billion (US$ 250 billion), including the highest thunderstorm losses ever recorded in the USA and Europe.

Americans, brace yourself for this year’s hurricane season

The Atlantic Ocean is extremely warm for this time of year. This warmth provides the energy for hurricanes, the number of which could double this summer compared to a normal year, experts warn.

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More lightning in the north, less in the south

Weather regimes with thunderstorms and lightning shift to the north, increasing lightning frequency at higher latitudes in the summer. More thunderstorms are also expected over the Alps.

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In 2013 Dutch scientists already saw Ophelia as a realistic scenario due to global warming

More hurricanes to hit Western Europe. Ireland and the UK are hit by Ophelia, the worst cyclone to hit this part of Europe in 50 years. A scenario already projected by Dutch scientists in 2013.

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Severe Autumn storms in future Western Europe with a warmer Atlantic Ocean

In a warmer future climate, Western Europe will see larger impacts from severe Autumn storms. Not only their frequency will increase, but also their intensity and the area they affect.

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High-impact windstorms in Switzerland since 1859

Windstorms have accounted for approximately 1/3 of the total losses relating to buildings from natural hazards in Switzerland since 1950.

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High-impact windstorms in Switzerland since 1859

Windstorms have accounted for approximately 1/3 of the total losses relating to buildings from natural hazards in Switzerland since 1950.

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No future increase of storms near Venice

Model results present no statistical evidence of changes of storm surge statistics in the future climate scenario. This shows that likely the main hazard to Venice is posed by future sea level rise.

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Future storm losses German households

Global-warming induced increases in insured losses are generically to be expected, but can be handled within the existing insurance frameworks in Germany.

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More hurricanes to hit Western Europe

Severe hurricane-force (> 32.6 m/s) storms can cause floods in west-European coastal regions and inflict large-scale damage on infrastructure and agriculture.

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A 101 year record of windstorms in the Netherlands

The Netherlands has experienced a downward trend in windstorm losses in the past two decades to a record low level ...

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Loss potentials for European windstorms under future climate conditions

Windstorm losses are expected to reach unseen magnitudes, which for some countries (e.g. Germany) may exceed 200% of the strongest event in present day climate simulations ...

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Changes in wind speeds in Northern Europe until 2100

Mean and extreme wind speeds in Northern Europe have been projected for the future periods 2046–2065 and 2081–2100 ...

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European winter wind storm losses in current and future climate

Wind-storm losses on a European-wide property insurance portfolio have been quantified under current and future climatic conditions ...

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