
From now on, fossil fuel use for electricity generation will decrease

Among all the doom stories about climate change, there is also a glimmer of hope. We seem to have reached a turning point in the use of fossil fuel for electricity generation.

The loss of glaciers creates opportunities for water storage and hydropower

When glaciers shrink or disappear, the emerging ice-free basins provide opportunities for building dams to store water and generate electricity through hydropower.

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The Netherlands is building the world’s largest wind turbine

This week, a wind turbine almost as high as the Eiffel Tower will be assembled at the Dutch coast. On a windy day, this turbine can produce enough electricity to supply 16,000 houses.

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Wind power output increases in northern Europe and decreases in the South

Expected changes in wind energy potential show a north-south division in Europe. In the next 30 years, wind power output will increase by 4%-8% in the North, and decrease up to 6%-12% in the South.

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“North Sea Power Hub” plan to create an artificial island for large scale wind power production

What sounds like a project from the future, the upcoming North Sea Wind Power Hub is an ambitious plan that has the goal of building a wind farm on an island right in the middle of the North Sea.

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Reduction European power generation under 1.5°C, 2°C and 3°C warming

Climate change will negatively affect power generation in European countries regardless of the level of global warming. The impacts will be stronger for southern than for northern Europe.

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Europe will use more energy for cooling than can be saved with heating

In Europe, areas with less heating will outweigh areas that need more cooling. Energy demand will increase, however, due to the variation across Europe of future population growth and decline.

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The Netherlands aims to reduce its CO2 emission to almost zero in 2050

In response to last years’ Paris Agreement the Dutch government outlined its plan to reduce its CO2 emission to almost zero in 2050 in the Energy Agenda for the future.

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Lucky Norway. Hydropower and the benefits of climate change

Based on a presentation by Per Sanderud and a discussion with Hege Hisdal and Christina Beisland of NVE at the 4th Nordic Conference on Climate Change Adaptation in Bergen, Norway, August 2016.

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Hydropower and cooling water under climate change: most of the world’s potential still not being used

The world relies on the available surface water resources for electricity generation. How will global warming affect the potential for hydropower and cooling water?

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The Battle of Engineers against Climate Change

The battle against climate change will be a race against the clock. Engineers will have to fight on two fronts: towards a sustainable energy system and against projected impacts.

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Future changes of wind energy potential over Europe

Wind energy potential more likely than not will increase over Northern and Central Europe. For Southern Europe, a likely decrease of mean annual wind energy potential is projected.

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Climate change impacts on European wind energy

future changes in wind power potential are weak or non-significant over a large part of Europe: changes in wind power potential will remain within ±15% and ±20% by mid and late century respectively.

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Future electricity generation and cooling water use in the UK

In the UK 90% of electricity generation comes from thermoelectric power stations. Cooling of thermoelectric plants is often achieved by water abstractions from the natural environment.

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Climate change impacts on thermal power plants

The effects and the relevance of gradual climate change on the probability of power outages and blackouts are difficult to quantify. It has been stated that by 2040 capacity reductions of 13–19 %

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Vulnerability of oil and gas sector

Climate change and extreme weather events represent a real physical threat to the oil and gas sector, particularly in low-lying coastal areas and areas exposed to extreme weather events.

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Hydropower production in the Swiss Alps during the 21st century

The impact of climate change on hydropower production in the Swiss Alps during the 21st century has been assessed by combining climate projections ...

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Future wind power in the UK

The typical pattern of UK wind speeds, which tend to be high in winter and lower in summer, could be emphasised further under the influence of climate change ...

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Potential impact of climate change on the UK’s electricity network

Potential impacts of climate change on the UK’s electricity network have been assessed ...

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Vulnerability of European electricity supply to climate change

Climate change will impact thermoelectric power production in Europe through a combination of increased water temperatures and ...

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Impacts on electricity markets Western Europe

The expected climate changes in the 21st century are likely to have a small impact on electricity prices ...

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