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Avalanches and Landslides

Vulnerabilities Greece - Now

Landslide activity in Greece is increasingly high, as a result of intense urbanization and development (transportation routes, dams and reservoirs, industrial and urban activities) in landslide prone areas, continued deforestation and extreme meteorological events (3). In Greece approximately 800 landslides have been recorded in the time period 1949-1986 (4). 

In the last decade, an increment of about 25 % of the landslide occurrences has been recorded in the country as a result of anthropogenic activities, growing urbanization and uncontrolled land-use in landslide–prone areas (1). More frequent triggering events and increased susceptibility of the ground surface to instabilities as consequence of climate change impacts (continued deforestation mainly due to the devastating forest wildfires and extreme meteorological events) have also increased the landslide risk (2).


The references below are cited in full in a separate map 'References'. Please click here if you are looking for the full references for Greece.

  1. Sabatakakis et al. (2013)
  2. Koukis et al. (2010), in: Sabatakakis et al. (2013)
  3. Koukis et al. (2005), in: Sakkas et al. (2016)
  4. Koukis and Ziourkas (1991), in: Sakkas et al. (2016)

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